Anyone accessing and/or using services on the www.diagonalmarcentre.es website is deemed to be a user of the site.
Simply by using the website, the user signifies his/her full and unreserved acceptance of these general terms and conditions, as well as any specific conditions that, in the given circumstance, may supplement, modify or replace the general conditions for certain website services and content.
The “Comunidad de Propietarios de Diagonal Mar” may, at its sole discretion and at any time, modify the structure and design of the website and also change or eliminate services, content and conditions of access and/or use of the website.
Warranty disclaimer
“Comunidad de Propietarios de Diagonal Mar” neither guarantees nor accepts any liability under whatsoever circumstance for any loss or damage of any kind that may arise from: the lack of availability, continuity or effective operation of the website and/or its services and content, as well as those arising from failures in access to the different pages on the website or those via which certain services are provided; the right of “Comunidad de Propietarios de Diagonal Mar” to unilaterally interrupt, suspend or terminate the provision of the website service or any of the services on it at any time; typographical, grammatical or image-related errors.
Use of the website, services and content by users
The user agrees to use the site and its services and contents in such a way that does not infringe applicable legislation, good faith or public order.
Except with the express prior consent of “Comunidad de Propietarios de Diagonal Mar” the user shall not obtain any kind of content, be it text, graphics, audio files and / or images, photographs, etc.., by any means other than those made available or normally used for that purpose on the Internet.
Similarly, the use of website content and services for any type of commercial or promotional purposes by the user is expressly prohibited.
Intellectual property
All content, names, logos, trademarks and databases accessible on the website are subject to the Industrial and Intellectual Property Rights of the “Comunidad de Propietarios de Diagonal Mar” and, as such, their reproduction or use without the owner’s authorisation is expressly prohibited.
Details of the legal custodian of website
“Comunidad de propietarios de Diagonal Mar”, registered address: Avenida Diagonal, 3, Barcelona, Spain. C.I.F. H-62733043; telephone +34 93 567 76 37; email
Applicable law and jurisdiction
This website is subject to Spanish law and, in the event of any dispute or controversy arising from the use of this site, both parties submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the city of Barcelona.
This clause regarding express submission to the courts of the city of Barcelona does not apply to disputes with website users who, under current law, are deemed to have consumer status, in which case both parties are subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts in the consumer’s place of residence.